What fun it would be to have a horse drawn gypsy caravan garden room, without the horse of course, it would be almost certain to be a unique structure in your neighbourhood, perhaps even in your town! Brightly painted and deceptively spacious the horse drawn gypsy caravan is said to have originated in France, arriving in the UK about ten years later in the 1820’s. These caravans have become very popular as a place to stay for holiday makers, with many used for glamping or as an alternative to the chalet holiday. On warm days you could open the top part of your stable door to let in a breeze, for those chilly days a wood burning stove is all you would need to make your gypsy caravan nice and snug.

As you can see, the interior of a gypsy caravan can be very roomy, this one has been kitted out as a child’s bedroom and it has been beautifully decorated. Alternatively there is plenty of room for a desk and chair or even a small sofa and chairs, a fun and unique type of garden room suitable for a variety of uses.