The national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic saw pubs and bars close down along the length and breadth of the country, after many months the restrictions were eased and they were allowed to open their doors again, much to the joy of those who had missed popping out to their local. Since then, restrictions were tightened and then eased again across much of the country on a few more occasions as cases of the virus increased and decreased, so it was no wonder that many people decided to build their own “local” in their garden. This article takes a look at some of the amazing garden room bars that have been built around the country, we are sure these imaginative creations will help and inspire you when it comes to building your own garden room bar.
A perfect example of how your garden room bar could look. Comfortable bar stools, warm lighting and lots of bottles on display create a very cosy and inviting atmosphere.

What could be more convenient than popping out to your local for a cold one when your local is in your own back garden? Your family and friends will feel right at home and will appreciate your hospitality when visiting your welcoming garden room bar with its relaxed and friendly ambience, don’t be at all surprised if you suddenly become everyone’s favourite place to drop in!
There are so many options when it comes to designing a garden room bar, however, there are also a great deal of considerations that will need to be taken into account. In this article we will be covering a range of style options and highlighting some important aspects that you will need to think about regarding the installation of a garden room bar.
This shady nook will evoke memories of past holidays in the sun, the bar itself is simple but the wind chimes and the leafy surroundings give it a tropical and exotic air.

Where should your garden room bar be positioned?
The position of your garden room bar is an extremely important consideration that will need to be decided upon at a very early stage of the process. This will depend upon a great number of things, starting with the kind of building you intend to build. Garden room bars can be complex and expensive, simple and economical, or somewhere in between, so whether you will be erecting a solid bricks and mortar type of building, with foundations, mains electricity and running water, as opposed to a wooden lock up and leave type of building that will only need a simple concrete base, the position is a key factor. For instance, installing mains electricity and running water is likely to be much easier and cheaper if your garden room bar is positioned close to the main house, it will also save digging up large areas of your beautiful garden. On the other hand, a wooden lock up type of bar can be positioned almost anywhere in the garden, provided you don’t intend to install mains powered lighting or plumbing.
You will also need to take into account any sewage pipes or other underground services that may run through your garden as you cannot usually build over these. If you are fortunate enough to have trees in your garden then you should take care not to damage the roots during construction, trees offer valuable shade during the hot months of summer so this is something that you may wish to consider, but only if you are able to build under the tree canopy without causing damage.
Other points to consider are privacy for both you and your neighbours, access to your garden room bar as through the house can mean muddy floors and noise – if you are near a boundary fence and don’t want to upset your neighbours.
Not a room but we found its simplicity appealing, a lovely and very sweet little garden bar on a shoestring.

What type of garden room bar should you choose?
The style and size of your garden room will be very much a choice depending upon personal taste, cost and available room. Those on a limited budget will probably opt for a DIY wooden version, either built from scratch or a conversion of an existing garden building, this could be a shed or even a rarely used garage. For those at the other end of the scale, where price is not a problem, then a bespoke garden room bar, designed and built on your behalf by a team of experts is more likely to be your style.
A garden room bar need not be expensive, it doesn’t even have to be a permanent structure, a gazebo or small marquee with seating would be perfectly adequate to provide shade from the hot sun – or shelter from the typical inclement British weather! Drinks could be served from a lightweight piece of furniture, perhaps an old sideboard or dressing table, even a drinks trolley would suffice.

Furniture for your garden room bar
Furniture that is designed and built specially for garden use is probably best for a garden room bar, it can withstand bad weather and it can last for years if it is properly cared for. If you don’t mind lugging chairs back and forth from the house then any type of chair will do. Folding tables and folding or stacking chairs are a good option as they can be more easily stored during the cold winter months when the garden room bar is not used as often, although a fire pit or patio heater can keep your bar open all year round! Fire pits and patio heaters can be a hazard to health and safety and should always be used with caution, particularly where children, pets and wild animals are concerned.
A fine example of seating that would be suitable for a garden room bar, the painted wood will be hard wearing and weather resistant and the traditionally classic style will not go out of fashion.

Garden room bar lighting
The lighting options for your garden room bar will depend upon whether you have mains power installed, with mains electricity you are spoilt for choice but we recommend that you always choose lighting that is suitable for outdoor use only. Solar lighting is another option and it is more versatile as it can be used almost anywhere, provided the sun can reach the charging panels. Candles should only be used in lamps designed for this purpose, naked flames are a hazard to health and safety and should always be used with caution, particularly where children, pets and wild animals are concerned.
The lighting over this intimate grouping of chairs around a table creates the perfect ambience for a garden room bar, the cosy and welcoming atmosphere would be a perfect environment in which to wind down after a hard day’s work.

Garden room bar accessories
Accessorising your garden room bar is a great way to add a personal touch and make it unique to you and your family.
Examples of garden room bar accessories are:
- Bunting
- Optics
- Kegs
- Personalised beer mats
- Personalised glassware – or plasticware
- Cocktail shakers and umbrellas
- Wall decorations, such as motifs, logos or slogans
- Electric or camping fridge or cool box
Add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your garden room bar with a cocktail or two, dressed with these jaunty little umbrellas and a slice of lime, they cannot fail to impress.

As you can see, a garden room is great way of entertaining your family and friends and it need not cost a great deal, it can be grand and luxurious or just temporary and cheap as chips, either way, it brings loved ones together and that is what counts.